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Bavarian Superman
Congress@it-sa Vortragsreihe

Town Hall Meeting @it-sa

Be part of this unique gathering of the international cyber security community @it-sa

calendar_today Mi, 13.10.2021, 12:00 - 14:00

event_available Vor Ort

place Raum St. Petersburg, NCC Ost






Diese Action ist Teil des Events Congress@it-sa


A good tradition is coming back: Invest in Bavaria and the Security Network Munich are very pleased to once again host the international Town Hall Meeting @it-sa live directly from the exhibition hall for the first time in 2 years!

This edition will look at the recent developments in the security sector with expert insights from different angles on what to expect in the near future in technical developments but also with regard to threats and risks. Be part of this unique industry gathering and expect keen insights from different angles by highly regarded security experts including TÜV Süd, Blue ID, Bitkom, Rapid7, Guardian360 and W TRUST!

Date: Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 – 12:00 to 14:00, Admission: 11:30 am
Location: Raum Sankt Petersburg, NCC Ost, Messezentrum Nürnberg

After the program, we are happy to invite you to refreshments and lunch.

Note: “first come – first served
We would love to welcome every single one of you – however this year we have very strict rules regarding the maximum capacity of people allowed in the conference room and therefore seats will be allocated on a “first come, first served” basis on the event day. Admission starts at 11:30. Thank you for your understanding!

Please register here for free.

By registering for our event you will receive an E-Code for a free ticket for it-sa 2021. Please inform yourself about the hygiene concept of Messe Nuremberg regarding entrance and rules during the fair.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Invest in Bavaria & Security Network Munich


12:00 | Welcome & Introduction
Veronika Reichl | Invest in Bavaria
Peter Moehring | Security Network Munich
12:05 | Impulse Speech

Jan Wendenburg, Founder of W TRUST and former CEO of Certgate
12:15 | Panel Discussion
„Cybercrime & Evolving Threat Landscape – How to ramp up cyber resilience?”
Moderator: Sebastian Artz, Head of Cyber & Information Security| Bitkom e.V.
Sudhir Ethiraj, Global Head Cybersecurity Office | TÜV Süd
Philipp Spangenberg, CEO | Blue ID
Fabian Guter, Senior Key Account Manager | Rapid7
Jan Martijn Broekhof, Managing Director | Guardian360

13:00 | Lunch

... mehr lesen

Sprache: Englisch

Action beinhaltet Q&A: Nein


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