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Foren it-sa Expo International Forum B

Air Gap and Immutability is what many people claim to have but what about a clear path to recovery!

AirGap behaupten viele zu haben aber wie ist es mit sofortiger Wiederherstellung !
Minimizing the impact of ransomware attacks - benefits of regular analysis of back-up data with Dell Technologies solutions

calendar_today Mi, 26.10.2022, 14:45 - 15:00

event_available Hybrid

Action Video







Datenschutz / DSGVO Datensicherheit / DLP / Know-how-Schutz


Diese Action ist Teil des Events Foren it-sa Expo

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The GDPR and the BSIG require "state of the art" precautionary measures. In some cases, institutions face high fines for non-compliance. Regardless of whether you manage data in your own data center or enlist the help of a contract processor, your institution always remains the responsible party in the legal sense.
The obligation to exercise due diligence also gives rise to an individual liability risk for management personnel if they deliberately decide not to take the necessary technical and organizational measures (e.g., for budgetary reasons).

According to the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), a data security concept is the most important protective measure against elementary threats in order to ensure the permanent availability of data. In addition to more traditional operational management issues, such as insufficient storage capacity and data backup speeds, intentional acts such as ransomware and information manipulation are increasingly coming into focus.

To minimize the impact of a ransomware attack, Dell offers solutions that go beyond the basic requirements of the BSI or the German Insurance Association (GDV). In our presentation, we will therefore focus on the advantages of a regular analysis of the backed-up data with regard to the detection of a compromise or the speed of recovery.

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Sprache: Englisch

Action beinhaltet Q&A: Nein


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