Data protection policy of NürnbergMesse GmbH 

We thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in our company. We are very serious about protecting your personal data. We process your data in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the protection of personal data, particularly including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) and the country-specific implementing laws applicable to us. In this data protection policy, we provide you with comprehensive information about the processing of your data by NürnbergMesse GmbH and your rights in this respect. Personal data is information that makes it possible to identify a natural person, particularly including the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, e-mail address and IP address. Anonymous data is data from which no one can establish a personal connection to the user.


1. Controller and Data Protection Officer

The controller according to the definition of the General Data Protection Act and other national data protection laws of the EU member states and other data protection regulations is: 

NürnbergMesse GmbH 
Exhibition Centre 1
90471 Nuremberg 
Tel.: +49 9 11 86 06 0
Contact form

Contact information of the Data Protection Officer:


2. Your rights as a data subject (incl. contact option)

First, we would like to inform you of your rights as a data subject. These rights are codified in Art. 15 - 22 EU-GDPR. They are: 
  • The right of access (Art. 15 EU-GDPR),
  • The right to erasure (Art. 17 EU-GDPR),  
  • The right to rectification (Art. 16 EU-GDPR),  
  • The right to data portability (Art. 20 EU-GDPR),  
  • The right to restriction of data processing (Art. 18 EU-GDPR),  
  • The right to object to data processing (Art. 21 EU-GDPR). 

To assert these rights, please use our contact form.

Alternatively, you can contact us at the aforementioned postal address.

Any questions about data processing in our company should be directed to the same e-mail address. You are also entitled to complain to the data protection supervisory authority. 


3. Rights of objection 

Please note the following with respect to the rights of objection:  When we process your personal data for purposes of direct advertising, you have the right to object to such data processing at any time without indication of reasons. The same applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to direct advertising.  

When you object to processing for purposes of direct advertising, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes. You can notify you objection free of charge and without observing requirements of form via our contact form.
In the event that we process your data for the sake of legitimate interests, you can object to such processing at any time for reasons having to do with your particular situation; the same applies to any profiling on the basis of these provisions.  

We will no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling, legitimate reasons for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or when the processing serves the purpose of asserting, exercising or defending against legal claims.


4. Purposes and legal grounds of data processing 

In processing your personal data, we comply with the provisions of the EU-GDPR and all other applicable provisions of data protection law. The legal grounds for data processing are particularly set out in Art. 6 EU-GDPR. 

We use your data for business initiation, the fulfilment of contractual and statutory obligations, the performance of the contractual relationship, to protect our property, the offering of products and services and the strengthening of customer relationships, which can also include analyses for marketing and direct advertising purposes. This particularly includes the organisation of trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and similar events and the operation of the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. Specifically, we use data for the following purposes, although this list is not exhaustive: 
  • Order/payment processing 
  • Application as exhibitor
  • Registration as visitor / purchase of tickets
  • Redemption of coupons. Coupons can be redeemed online and an e-ticket can be printed out. That saves you wait times on site.
  • Registration of future tickets “with a click”. For some trade visitor exhibitions, pre-legitimation information is sent by e-mail or letter (legitimation of trade visitors), which makes it easier to purchase  tickets the next time.
  • Delivery, payment and online publication of trade fair directories and catalogues (e.g. exhibitors and products database).
  • Verification of a person’s status as a trade visitor (trade visitor legitimation).
  • Personalisation of ID cards in ID management: exhibitor IDs, assembly and disassembly IDs, tickets.
  • Booking and management of time slots via the trade fair logistics system.
  • Planning your trade fair visit on the basis of announcements and targeted trade information sent by e-mail and post.
  • Smooth execution of your trade fair participation as an exhibitor by providing targeted information about service offers and services. 
  • Registration for newsletters.
  • Voluntary participation in market and opinion research surveys.
  • Review of conditions for the accreditation of media representatives and bloggers.
  • Analysis of our website usage for performance, user-friendliness and offer improvement and also for marketing purposes.

We also process your personal data to fulfill legal obligations, such as regulatory requirements under commercial and tax law, retention obligations or the comparison of your data with so-called sanction lists in order to comply with anti-terrorism legislation (e.g. Regulation (EC) 2580/2001). In this case, the legal basis for the processing is the respective legal regulations in conjunction with Art. 6 para. 1 letter c EU-GDPR.

In addition, for security reasons, registration is required before each visit or entry to the exhibition grounds in order to determine who is on the exhibition grounds. Your contact details are therefore collected when you register. We process this data on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter f EU-GDPR to protect the legitimate interests of NürnbergMesse GmbH, in particular to protect property and to prevent and investigate criminal offenses. 
The principle of data economy and data avoidance is observed here, as only the data required for registration is marked with an asterisk (*) as a mandatory field. The data will not be passed on to third parties. The data will be deleted as soon as the described purpose no longer applies.

On our behalf and as the operator of the websites, Google will use various information to evaluate your pseudonymous use of the website and to compile reports on website activity. The reports provided by Google Analytics are used to analyze the performance of our website and the success of our marketing campaigns.

Your consent is also required under data protection laws. In asking for your consent, we inform you about the purposes of data processing and your right to object. If the consent also refers to the processing of special categories of personal data, we will expressly inform you of this in the consent declaration.

Processing of special categories of personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 para. 1 EU-GDPR is only done when required by statutory regulations and there is no reason to assume that your legitimate interests in preventing such processing are overriding. 


5. Transfer to third parties

We will transfer your data only within the limits of the statutory provisions or when you have granted your consent. Otherwise, your personal data will not be transferred to third parties unless we are obligated to do so by virtue of binding statutory regulations (transfer to external entities such as supervisory authorities or criminal prosecution authorities).

6. Recipients of data / categories of recipients 

Within our enterprise, we ensure that only those persons who need your personal data to fulfil our contractual and statutory obligations receive it. Because NürnbergMesse GmbH operates all over the world, we may possibly send your data to subsidiaries or international representatives of the NürnbergMesse Group. The necessary data protection agreement has been concluded with them. We send your dataspecifically to the subsidiary or international representative that is located in your country or is responsible for your territory in order to

  • process your order or request – or
  • to send you event-specific information and offers.

In many cases, our departments are assisted in the performance of their duties by service providers and service partners, e.g. visitor registration processing, management of the trade fair logistics system, newsletter distribution, e-mailings, payment processing, order processing, credit check, web hosting, maintenance and analysis of data. All service providers and service partners have been carefully selected and the necessary data protection agreements have been concluded with all service providers and service partners. Personal data is processed by our service providers and service partners in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations for the provision of support and information to customers and interested parties and to provide the offered services.
Your data will be transmitted to exhibitors in the following cases: 

  • When you use a coupon for your trade fair visit, you accept that the data you enter in your visitor registration will be transmitted to the exhibitor who has invited you to visit the trade fair free of charge. This can serve the purpose of billing the tickets between the exhibitor and NürnbergMesse GmbH, the inspection of the redeemed coupons and communication between exhibitors and their visitors.
  • If you participate in so-called “lead tracking”. You participate in lead tracking when you allow an exhibitor to scan the bar code on your ticket while visiting an event. In a manner similar to providing a business card, scanning the bar code means that the contact data you provided in your visitor registration (company name, form of address, title, last name, first name, company, street address, postal code, post town, e-mail, possibly also sector information and other information provided by you) will be transmitted to the exhibitor,regardless of whether the exhibitor is from Germany, the EU or other third countries. Your participation in lead tracking is voluntary and will not take place without your further cooperation.

Recipients of the web analytics data are/may be

  • Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland (as a processor according to Art. 28 EU-GDPR)
  • Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA
  • Alphabet Inc, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

It cannot be excluded that US authorities access the data stored by Google.


7. Transmission of data/ Intent to transmit data to third countries 

The transmission of data to third countries (outside of the European Union or the European Economic Area) is only done when this is necessary to fulfil our obligations or is legally required or when you have granted us your consent to do this. 

We may potentially transmit your personal data to subsidiaries or international representatives of NürnbergMesse GmbH outside of the European Economic Area: India, China, Brazil, United States. The international representatives of NürnbergMesse can be found on our website at Compliance with the level of data protection is ensured, among other things, by the use of EU standard data protection clauses and - where necessary - by additional guarantees. The service providers are obligated by corresponding contractual regulations to comply with the data protection standards and thus the data protection level of the EU. Data processing or storage in third countries may also take place on the basis of your consent (Art. 49 para. 1 p. 1 letter a EU-GDPR), in which case you will be informed of this separately when obtaining your consent.

Insofar as data is processed outside the EU/EEA and there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have concluded EU standard contractual clauses with the service provider to establish an appropriate level of data protection. The parent company of Google Ireland, Google LLC, is based in California, USA. A transfer of data to the USA and access by US authorities to the data stored by Google cannot be ruled out. The USA is currently considered a third country from a data protection perspective. You do not have the same rights there as within the EU/EEA. You may not be entitled to any legal remedies against access by authorities.


8. Duration of data storage 

We will store your data for as long as needed for the given processing purpose. Please note that numerous retention periods require that data continues to be stored. We are particularly required to do this by retention obligations under commercial law or tax law (e.g. German Commercial Code, Tax Code, etc.). Data is routinely erased as soon as no further retention obligations are in effect. 

Furthermore, we may store your data when you have granted us your consent to do this or in the event of legal disputes, when we use the data as evidence for purposes of statutory limitation periods, which can last up to thirty years; the regular limitation period is three years. 

The data sent by us and linked to cookies are automatically deleted after 50 months (but no later than 31.12.2023) by using Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3) and after 14 months by using Google Analytics 4. The deletion of data whose retention period has been reached takes place automatically once a month.


9. Secure transmission of your data  

We employ appropriate technical and organisational safeguards to protect the data stored with us as well as possible against accidental or intentional manipulations, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised persons. The level of security is continually reviewed and adapted to meet new security standards in collaboration with security experts. 
Data transfers from and to our website are always encrypted. As the transmission protocol for our websites, we offer HTTPS and we always use the latest encryption protocols. It is also possible to use alternative communication channels (e.g. postal service).


10. Obligation to provide data 

Some personal data is necessary for the establishment, performance and termination of the obligation and the fulfilment of the related contractual and statutory obligations. The same applies to the use of our website and the various functions it provides. 
We summarised the details in the section above. In certain cases, data must also be collected and/or provided due to statutory provisions. Please note that it is not possible to process your request or perform the underlying contractual obligations without having this data provided to us.


11. Categories, sources and origin of data

The data we process is determined by the context: This depends, for example, on whether you place an order online or make a request to send us a job application or submit a complaint in our contact form. 

Please note that we may also separately provide information for special processing situations in an appropriate place, as when uploading job application documents or making a contact request, for example. 
When you visit our website and webshops, we collect and process the following data using "Google Analytics":

Google Analytics uses cookies that enable an analysis of your use of our website. The information collected by means of the cookies about your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there.

We use Google Signals. This allows Google Analytics to collect additional information about users who have activated personalized ads (interests and demographics) and ads can be delivered to these users in cross-device remarketing campaigns.

In Google Analytics 4, IP address anonymization is enabled by default. For Universal Analytics (Google Analytics 3), we have enabled the IP anonymization feature at all times. Due to IP anonymization, your IP address will be truncated by Google within member states of the European Union or in other states party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. According to Google, the IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data.

During your website visit, your user behavior is recorded in the form of "events". Events can be:

  • Page views incl. date and time
  • First visit to the website
  • Start of session
  • Your "click path", interaction with the website
  • Scrolls (page depth: 25%, 50%, 75% and 90%)
  • Clicks on external links 
  • internal search queries
  • Interaction with videos
  • file downloads
  • ads seen / clicked
  • language setting
  • your approximate location (region)
  • your IP address (in shortened form)
  • technical information about your browser and the devices you use (e.g. language setting, screen resolution)
  • Your internet service provider
  • the referrer URL (via which website/ via which advertising medium you came to this website)
  • Files requested, amount of data transferred, downloads/file exports 
  • Your client ID
  • gclid and dclid set by Google Analytics
  • For reasons of technical security (in particular to defend against attack attempts on our web server), this data is stored in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. f. EU-GDPR stored. After 7 days at the latest, anonymization takes place by shortening the IP address so that no reference to the user is made. 

When you make a contact request, we collect and process the following data:

  • Last name, first name 
  • Contact data (Email address)
  • Title 
  • Indications of desired information 

When you place an order, we process the following data: 

  • Title 
  • Last name, first name 
  • Date of birth  
  • Shipping address  
  • Billing address  
  • E-mail address  
  • Data that may be permissibly processed from other sources 

When you file online job applications, we collect and process the following data:

  • Last name, first name  
  • Address 
  • Contact data 
  • Application data
  • We also use data that we have permissibly obtained from publicly available directories (e.g. professional networks). 

For newsletters, we collect and process the following data: 

  • Last name, first name  
  • E-mail address  
  • Title 

12. Contact form/ Contact by e-mail (Art. 6 para. 1 letter a, b EU-GDPR) 

Contact form/ Contact by e-mail NürnbergMesse GmbH 

A contact form that can be used for contacting us electronically is available on our website. When you write to us using the contact form, we will process the data you enter into the contact form to contact you and answer your questions and wishes. 
In this respect, we observe the principle of data minimisation and data avoidance in that you only need to enter the data that we absolutely need to contact you. That includes your e-mail address and the message field itself. In addition, your IP address is also processed as a matter of technical necessity and for legal protection. All other data is requested in optional fields and can be provided optionally (e.g. to answer your questions more specifically in relation to you). 
If you contact us by e-mail, we process the personal data communicated in the e-mail only for the purpose of processing your request. 

Contact form for direct contact with exhibitors 

In the exhibitors and products database on our website, you will find a specific contact form for each exhibitor that can be used to establish direct electronic contact with the exhibitor. If you write to the exhibitor using the contact form, the data entered into the entry form will be directly transmitted to the exhibitor and stored there. The exhibitor will process the data entered into the contact form for scheduling appointments, making contact and answering your questions and wishes.

In this process, the principle of data minimisation and data avoidance is observed in that you only need to enter the data which the exhibitor definitely needs from you. This includes your e-mail address and the message field itself. In addition, your IP address will be processed as a matter of technical necessity and to legally protect your IP address. All other data are voluntary fields and can be indicated optionally (e.g. to answer your questions in a more individualised way).


13. Newsletter (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter a EU-GDPR) 

You can also subscribe to a free newsletter on our website. The e-mail address indicated in the newsletter application and your name will be used for sending you the personalised newsletter. 
In this respect, we observe the principle of data minimisation and data avoidance in that the only mandatory field is your e-mail address (and potentially your name, in the case of a personalised newsletter). As a matter of technical necessity and for legal protection, your IP address is also processed when you order the newsletter. 
Naturally, you can always terminate the subscription by exercising the cancellation option provided in the newsletter, thereby revoking your consent. It is also possible to cancel your newsletter subscription directly in our website. 


15. Data enrichment (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter f EU-GDPR)

We use the service provider Dealfront Group GmbH to keep our customer data up to date and to complete it with company information that is important to us, such as industry, year of foundation, etc. The service provider supports us in completing our customer data by comparing it with publicly accessible sources such as company websites, public registers or business networks. 

Data processing is carried out on the basis of our legitimate interest in keeping the data up to date, avoiding duplicates and enriching it with important company information (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. f EU GDPR). As soon as the purpose for collecting the data and statutory retention obligations have been fulfilled, the data will be deleted.


15. Online Exhibitor Shop / TicketCenter (Art. 6 para 1 s. 1 letter b EU-GDPR)

If you do not consent to further use, we will process the data you entered into the order form only for the purpose of performing or executing the contractual relationship. 

The principle of data minimisation and data avoidance is observed in that you only need to enter the data that we absolutely need to perform the contract and fulfil our contractual obligations (thus, your name, address, e-mail address and the payment data required for the chosen form of payment), or data that we are legally required to collect. 

As a matter of technical necessity and for legal protection, your IP address will also be processed. Without this data, we would unfortunately have to refuse the contract or terminate an existing contract because we would not be able to perform it. Naturally, you can provide more data if you wish.

We offer exhibitors the option of registering with us by providing personal data. A particular advantage of registration is that you can view your order history and store the data you have entered into the order from so that when you place another order, you will not need to enter it again. Registration is therefore possible either to perform a contract with you (via our online shop) or to take pre-contractual measures.When the registration process is completed, your data will be stored with us so that you can use the protected customer section. As soon as you log in to our website with your e-mail address as your user name and password, this data will be provided for the actions you perform on our website (e.g. orders in our online shop). Orders that have been filled can be viewed in the order history. You can enter changes to the billing or shipping address here.

Registered persons are at liberty to make their own changes or corrections to the billing or shipping address in the order history. Our Customer Service will also gladly make such changes or corrections when you contact them. Naturally, you can always cancel the registration and delete your customer account.

16. Advertising purposes with established customers (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter f EU-GDPR) 

We have an interest in cultivating customer relationships with our exhibitors and visitors and providing you with information and offers about our own similar events and services. Therefore, the data transmitted upon submitting the application (company name, address, telephone/ fax number and e-mail address) is processed by us and possibly by our service partners so that we can send you event-related information and offers by e-mail, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1  letter f EU-GDPR. 

If you do not want this, you can object to the use of your personal data for direct advertising purposes at any time; the same applies to profiling to the extent that it is related to direct advertising. When you notify your objection, we will no longer process your data for this purpose. 

The objection can be notified without observing formal requirements and without indication of reasons and without incurring separate costs aside from customary transmission costs at standard rates. It should be directed to NürnbergMesse GmbH, Exhibition Centre, 90471 Nuremberg, or submitted via our contact form.


17. Job application portal (Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter a, b, Art 9 para. 2 letter a EU-GDPR) 

We are pleased with your interest in working for NürnbergMesse GmbH. We are well aware of the importance of your data and will process the personal data you provide in the application form only for the purpose of effectively and correctly handling the application process and communicating with you in connection with the application process. Your data will not be transferred to third parties without your consent. 
When filling out the application form, you will be asked to submit personal data. In this respect, we observe the principle of data minimisation and data avoidance in that you only need to indicate the data we need to completely review your application materials, such as your curriculum vitae for example, or data which we are legally required to collect. This mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*). As a matter of technical necessity and for legal protection, your IP address will also be processed. 
Without this data, we will unfortunately not be able to review your application materials and for this reason our application system will not permit you to upload your application materials. Naturally, you are at liberty to provide the voluntary information in the application form. 
We employ appropriate safeguards to protect the security and confidentiality of your data as well as possible. Our application system will transmit your application documents to us in encrypted form. 
We will store your data for the aforementioned purposes until the application process is completed and the related time periods have expired, and at the latest six months after you are notified of our decision. However, you will have the option of storing your application materials with us for a longer period of time and checking them against other vacant positions that match your profile. 
You can provide the consent we need for this purpose by checking the box before uploading your application materials. In this case, we will store your data for 12 months. Naturally, you can always revoke your consent with future effect without indication of reasons by calling us at +49 9 11 86 06-0, sending us an e-mail at or mailing us a letter to NürnbergMesse GmbH, Data protection, Datenschutz Messezentrum, 90471 Nuremberg. 


18. Use of the dialogue platforms it-sa 365 and

Through our dialogue platforms it-sa 365 and we offer you the opportunity to participate in product presentations, webinars or workshops (so-called "actions") in digital form. 

For this purpose, you must provide us with your address and contact data upon conclusion of the contract. We need these data for the initiation or fulfillment of the contract, in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 letter b EU-GDPR.

You have the option of managing or deleting some of your contract data yourself in the personal area of the dialogue platform.

If you take part in an action, the information you provided during registration (surname, first name, company and e-mail address) will be forwarded to the service provider avodaq AG, Wendenstraße 21 b, 20097 Hamburg, Germany, who is responsible for the technical implementation of the action, insofar as this is necessary to carry out the action. Naturally, the necessary data protection agreements have been concluded with this service provider.

If you take part in an action, your first name and surname will be visible to the other participants of the same event in order to enable you to communicate and network with each other. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. 

Furthermore, we will transmit your registration data (surname, first name, company and e-mail address) to the respective company that carries out the action in order to support customers and interested parties and to process the services offered. Participation in an action is voluntary and does not take place without your further participation. The data is only transmitted to the company when you participate in an action. The transmission is necessary so that we can carry out the online event (Art. 6 para. 1 letter b EU-GDPR). 

The data will be deleted as soon as the purpose for collecting the data and statutory storage obligations have been fulfilled. Further information can also be found in the General Conditions of Participation for users of the online platforms it-sa 365 and

We embed Vimeo videos on our digital platforms. The operator of the corresponding plugins is Vimeo LLC, 555 West 18th Street, New York, New York 10011, USA. When you visit a page with the Vimeo plugin, a connection to Vimeo servers is established. This tells Vimeo which pages you visit. If you are logged in to your Vimeo account, Vimeo can personally track your surfing behavior. You can prevent this by first logging out of your Vimeo account.

When a Vimeo video is started, the provider uses cookies that collect information about user behavior. Vimeo also stores other, non-personal usage information in cookies. If you wish to prevent this, you must block the storage of cookies in your browser.

Vimeo is used in the interest of an attractive presentation of our digital platforms. This represents a legitimate interest in the sense of Art. 6 Par. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. If consent has been requested, processing will be carried out exclusively on the basis of Art. 6 Par. 1 letter a EU-GDPR; consent may be revoked at any time.

Further information on the handling of user data can be found in the Vimeo privacy policy at:


19. Automated decision-making

We do not employ purely automated processing procedures in making our decision. 


20. Cookies (Art. 6 para. 1 letter f EU-GDPR, § 25 para. 2 number 2 TTDSG / Art. 6 para. 1 letter a EU-GDPR with consent, § 25 para. 1 TTDSG) 

Our web pages use so-called “cookies” in several places. They serve the purpose of making our offering more user-friendly, effective and secure. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer and stored by your browser (locally on your hard drive). 
These cookies make it possible for us to analyse how users use our websites. They allow us to design the website contents to meet the needs of users, for example. Cookies also enable us to measure the effectiveness of a given advertisement and place it in accordance with the user’s topical interests, for example. 
Most of the cookies we use are so-called “session cookies.” These are automatically deleted after your visit. Permanent cookies are automatically deleted by your computer when the corresponding period of validity has expired (usually after six months) or when you delete them yourself before the expiration of the period of validity. 
Most web browsers accept cookies automatically. Usually, however, you can also change your browser settings if you would rather not send us the information. In this case, you will still be able to use the offerings of our website without restrictions (exception: configurators). 
We use cookies to make your offering more user-friendly, effective and secure. We also use cookies so that we can analyse how users use our websites. They allow us to design the website contents to meet the needs of users, for example. Cookies also enable us to measure the effectiveness of a given advertisement and place it in accordance with the user’s topical interests, for example. 
Cookies are stored on the user’s computer and transmitted from there to our website. As the user, therefore, you have full control over the use of cookies. You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies by changing the setting in your Internet browser. Furthermore, already placed cookies can always be deleted using the Internet browser or other software programs. This is possible in all commonly used Internet browsers. 

The legal basis for the use of technically necessary cookies is our legitimate interest, Art. 6 para. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. The storage of information in your terminal equipment or access to information already stored in your terminal equipment is absolutely necessary so that we can provide the telemedia service expressly requested by you as a user (§ 25 para. 2 number 2 TTDSG).

Otherwise, the legal basis in each case is generally your consent, if no specific legal basis is mentioned below. You can revoke your consent at any time. You can manage your revocation via the cookie icon placed on the bottom left of each of our web pages. Here you can also find more information about the use of cookies.

Insofar as data is processed outside the EU/EEA and there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have concluded EU standard contractual clauses with the service provider to establish an appropriate level of data protection. The parent company of Google Ireland, Google LLC, is based in California, USA. A transfer of data to the USA and access by US authorities to the data stored by Google cannot be ruled out. The USA is currently considered a third country from a data protection perspective. You do not have the same rights there as within the EU/EEA. You may not be entitled to any legal remedies against access by authorities.



We have integrated the consent management tool Consentmanager ( from Jaohawi AB (Håltgelvågen 1b, 72348 Västerås, Sweden, on our website to obtain consent for data processing and use of cookies or comparable functions. With the help of Consentmanager you have the possibility to give your consent for certain functionalities of our website, e.g. for the purpose of integrating external elements, integrating streaming content, statistical analysis, measurement and personalized advertising. With the help of Consentmanager you can grant or reject your consent for all functions or give your consent for individual purposes or individual functions.
The settings you have made can also be changed afterwards. The purpose of integrating Consentmanager is to let the users of our website decide about the above-mentioned things and, as part of the further use of our website, to offer the option of changing settings that have already been made. By using Consentmanager, personal data and information from the end devices used, such as the IP address, are processed. The legal basis for processing is our legitimate interest in Consent Management, Art. 6 Para. 1 S. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. By processing the data, we help our customers (according to GDPR this is the responsible party) to fulfill their legal obligations (e.g. obligation to provide evidence). Our legitimate interests in processing lie in the storage of user settings and preferences with regard to the use of cookies and other functionalities. Consentmanager stores your data as long as your user settings are active. After two years after making the user settings, the consent will be asked again. The user settings made are then saved again for this period. You can object to the processing. You have the right to object to reasons arising from your particular situation.  

You can find additional information about the use of cookies and the possibility of objecting to the use of cookies via the cookie icon placed on the bottom left of each of our web pages.


    21. User profiles / Web tracking processes

    Google Analytics

    We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”), on our websites. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies,” which are text files that are stored on your terminal device and enable us to analyze your use of our websites. The information about your use of our websites that is generated by the cookie is usually transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there. Because IP anonymization is activated, however, your IP address is first truncated by Google within the member states of the European Union or in other signatory states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

    Only in exceptional cases is the full IP address transmitted to a Google server in the United States and truncated there. Google uses this information on our behalf to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports of website activities and to provide other services to us related to website use and Internet use. The IP address transmitted from your browser in connection with Google Analytics is not commingled with other data of Google.

    Insofar as data is processed outside the EU/EEA and there is no level of data protection corresponding to the European standard, we have concluded EU standard contractual clauses with the service provider to establish an appropriate level of data protection. The parent company of Google Ireland, Google LLC, is based in California, USA. A transfer of data to the USA and access by US authorities to the data stored by Google cannot be ruled out. The USA is currently considered a third country from a data protection perspective. You do not have the same rights there as within the EU/EEA. You may not be entitled to any legal remedies against access by authorities.

    You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; if you do this, however, we point out that you may not be able to fully use all functions on our websites. You can also prevent the reporting of the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the dissemination of these data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link:

    You can object the collection of your data by Google Analytics. This will place an opt-out cookie on your terminal device that will prevent the collection of your data on future visits to this website.

    You can manage your objection via the cookie icon placed on the bottom left of each of our web pages. Here you can also find more information about the use of cookies.

    We also use Google Analytics to evaluate data from double-click cookies and Ads for statistical purposes. If you do not want this to happen, you can deactivate this function in the ad settings manager:

    We also point out that we use the Google Tag Manager. This function does not collect any personal data. Instead, the Tag Manager makes it easier for us to integrate and manage our tags. Tags are small code elements that serve to measure traffic and user behavior, register the effects of online advertising and social media channels, set up remarketing and the orientation to target groups and test and optimize websites, among other purposes.

    You can find additional information about the Google Tag Manager here:

    We have turned on the advertising reports features in Google Analytics. The demographic and interest reports contain information on age, gender and interests. This allows us - without being able to assign this data to individual persons - to get a better impression of our users. You can learn more about advertising features at

    You can stop the use of the activities and information of your Google account under "Settings for advertising" at via checkbox.

    You can find Google’s data protection notice here:


    NürnbergMesse GmbH uses the ad server of the company ADITION technologies AG, Am Gatherhof 44, 40472 Düsseldorf.

    Why does ADITION use cookies?

    ADITION uses cookies to adjust and optimise the placement of advertisements purchased by customers of ADITION for the user. For example, this may involve the maximum frequency of advertisements seen by the user. In individual cases, ADITION also uses stored cookie information for statistical surveys.

    What data is collected when ADITION uses cookies?

    ADITION does not stored personal data such as names, e-mail addresses or other personal information when it uses cookies. All information is purely anonymised and includes technical information such as the frequency and display dates of advertisements, the browser being used and the installed operating system. 

    How does ADITION handle data protection?

    In all its data collection processes, ADITION operates in strict compliance with German data protection laws. All stored data is stored on servers located in the territory of Germany. ADITION also meets all P3P (Privacy Preferences Project) standards. 

    In addition, ADITION points out that all ADITION employees are bound to uphold data secrecy. ADITION’s customers are similarly bound by clauses in its General Terms and Conditions (GTCs) and separate data protection clauses.

    Cookie opt-out / How can I deactivate the collection of anonymised data by ADITION? 

    The collection of anonymised data can be stopped by clicking on the following link. When you do this, ADITION will replace the current cookie with a new opt-out cookie. This opt-out cookie will delete all information stored to date, including the IP address, and prevent the further collection of anonymised information.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: If this opt-out cookie is deleted, ADITION will no longer be able to tell that an opt-out has been performed. In this case, you will have to repeat the opt-out process.

    Deactivate the collection of anonymised data by ADITION

    How can cookies be completely deactivated?

    Commonly used Internet browsers are set by default to accept cookies as a rule. This setting can be changed in the browser’s Internet options.

    • We use the offering of Google Ads to bring attention to our attractive offerings with the aid of advertisements (so-called Google Ads) on external websites. Based on data from advertising campaigns, we can determine the success of individual advertising measures. We do this in the interest of showing you ads that are of interest to you, making our website more interesting for you and ensuring the fair charging of advertising costs. 
    • Google delivers these ads via so-called “ad servers”. To this end, we use ad server cookies with which certain parameters of success measurements, such as the placement of ads or clicks by the user. If you come to our website from a Google ad, Google Ads stores a cookie on your PC. These cookies usually lose their validity after 30 days and are not meant to identify you personally. Analysis values such as the unique cookie ID, number of ad impressions per placement (frequency), last impression (relevant for post-view conversions) and opt-out information (indication that the user no longer wants to be targeted) are generally stored in this cookie. 
    • These cookies allow Google to recognise your Internet browser again. If a user visits certain pages of the website of an Ads customer and the cookie stored on his computer has not yet expired, Google and the customer can tell that the user clicked on the ad and was redirected to this page. A different cookie is assigned to every Ads customer. Therefore, the cookies cannot be traced back to the web sites of Ads customers. We ourselves do not collect or process any personal data in the aforementioned advertisement measures. We only receive statistical analyses from Google. Based on these analyses, we can determine which of our advertising measures are especially effective. We do not receive any data from the use of advertisements and in particular, we are unable to identify users on the basis of this data. 
    • Due to the marketing tools in use, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Google’s server. We have no influence over the scope and further use of data collected from Google’s use of this tool and therefore the following information reflects our current knowledge: Due to the integration of Ads Conversion, Google receives the information that you have visited the corresponding part of our website or clicked on one of our ads. If you are registered for a Google service, Google can attribute the visit to your account. Even if you are not registered with Google or have not logged in, it is possible that the vendor may find out and store your IP address. 

    You can prevent your participation in this tracking process in different ways: 
    a) by changing the corresponding setting of your browser software; in particular, the suppression of third-party cookies means that you will no longer receive ads from third-party vendors; 
    b) by deactivating the cookies for conversion tracking by setting your browser in such a way that cookies from the domain “” are blocked; this setting being deleted when you delete your cookies; 
    c) by deactivating the vendor’s interest-themed ads that are part of the self-regulation campaign “About Ads” at the link, this setting being deleted when you delete your cookies; 
    d) by means of permanent deactivation in the browsers Firefox, Internet explorer or Google Chrome at the link
    Please note that if you do this, you may not be able to fully use all the functions of this offering. 
    The legal basis for processing your data is Art. 6 para. 1 S. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. You can find additional information about Google’s data protection policies here: and Alternatively, you can visit the website of the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI) at


    Google Remarketing

    Besides Ads Conversion, we also use the Google Remarketing application. This is a process by which we would like to address you again. By means of this application, we can place our advertisements in other websites after you visit our website. This is done by means of cookies stored in your browser that enables Google to collect and analyse information about your usage behaviour when visiting different websites. For example, Google can determine your previous visit to our website. According to its own statements, Google does not combine the data collected within the scope of remarketing with any personal data that Google may have stored. In particular, pseudonymisation is employed for remarketing, according to Google. 


    Google DoubleClick

    This website uses Google DoubleClick cookies (Floodlights). DoubleClick is a service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Cookies are small text files stored by a user's browser. They are used to analyse the use of this website. The collected data will be analysed only for statistical purposes and in anonymous form. Your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) for this purpose. DoubleClick cookies do not contain any personal data. You can block the use of cookies by downloading and installing the browser plugin available at under the item for disabling DoubleClick.

    Alternatively, you can disable the DoubleClick cookies on the Digital Advertising page by clicking on
    This website uses Google DoubleClick cookies (Floodlights). DoubleClick is a service of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Cookies are small text files stored by a user's browser. They are used to advertise products of the operator of this website (retargeting). In this regard, advertisements (e.g. advertising banners, text/image adverts, videos, etc.) can be displayed to the user on other websites at a later date. Your browser is assigned a pseudonymous identification number (ID) for this purpose. This means that all data are collected anonymously so that they cannot be traced to any particular individual. Users can block the retargeting function by changing the ad settings for Google Remarketing Tags or disabling the retargeting function. 
    Alternatively, users can block the use of cookies by third-party companies by using the opt-out page provided by the Network Advertising Initiative


    Facebook & Instagram (Facebook Pixel)

    Our Event websites use the Facebook pixel to display personalized advertisements from us and third parties for you on the Facebook and Instagram platforms (Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California, 94025, USA and Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA).

    With the help of the Facebook ad manager, we define target groups of users based on certain characteristics, who are subsequently shown ads within the Facebook and Instagram network. Users are selected by Facebook based on the profile information they provide and other data provided through their use of Facebook. If a user clicks on an advertisement and subsequently arrives on our website, Facebook receives the information that users have clicked on our advertising banner via the Facebook pixel embedded on our website. 

    The Facebook pixel logs when you take an action on our website. 

    Such actions are the addition of an item to the shopping cart, a registration, a search (also location-based), a lead, a contact, a purchase transaction and a purchase completion.

    For this purpose, we transmit information about your user activities on our website and certain personal data (such as your pixel ID, Facebook cookie, IP address, browser properties and click data) to Facebook via the pixel. Furthermore, the Facebook Pixel can be used to reach visitors of the social networks Facebook and Instagram whose interests are similar to our previous customers. In addition, visitors who have already interacted with our company in the past can be addressed again with interest-based advertisements ("Facebook Ads" / "Instagram Ads").

    Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Facebook server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by Facebook through the use of the pixel. 

    Insofar as you have given your consent for the storage of the Facebook pixel, this is done on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter. a EU-GDPR for marketing and optimization purposes, in particular to place relevant and interesting ads for you on Facebook and thus improve our offer.

    Further information from the third-party provider on data protection can be found on the following Facebook website: Information on the Facebook pixel can be found on the following Facebook website:

    You can revoke your consent to the use of the Facebook pixel at any time with future effect by accessing this in our cookie settings here and changing your selection there.


    X Conversion Tracking

    Our websites,, as well as use Twitter "Conversion Tracking" (X Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, California, 94103, USA). With the X remarketing function, we can address you with advertising based on your interests on the X platform. For this purpose, X uses so-called "tags". The tag for conversion tracking ("X pixel") is used, with the help of which the actions of users can be tracked after they have clicked on a X advertisement. It records visits to our website as well as data about usage (e.g. all interactions regarding the displayed advertisement such as clicking on links, retweets or likes) in pseudonymous, non-personal form. 

    The X pixel also logs when you take an action on our website. 

    Such actions are page views, adding an item to the shopping cart, a registration, a search, a lead, a purchase transaction and a purchase completion.

    Furthermore, X collects personal data from you, e.g. the type of device you use, your IP address and possibly (if provided by you) additional information such as your email address, telephone number, address book contacts, among others, for the geographic targeting of advertising.

    Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with X's server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected through the use of conversion tag by X. 

    Insofar as you have given your consent for the collection of data, this is done on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter a EU-GDPR for marketing and optimization purposes.

    For more information, please see X's privacy policy at  

    You can change your privacy settings on X in the account settings at

    You can revoke your consent to the use of conversion tracking at any time with effect for the future by accessing this in our cookie settings here and changing your selection there.



    This website uses the Zemanta Conversion Tracking online advertising programme. The conversion tracking tag is set when a user clicks on an ad within the Zemanta network. These tags do not serve to identify you personally. If a user visits certain pages on this website before the tag has expired, we and Zemanta can see that the user clicked the ad and was forwarded to this page. You can find out more about the data privacy policy and cookies of Zemanta Inc., 33 West 17th Street, 9th floor, New York NY 10010, USA, here:
    Opt-out setting:



    Our website uses the analysis tool of the monitoring service Dynatrace LLC, 1601 Trapelo Road, #116 Waltham, MA 02451 USA. We use Dynatrace to ensure the performance of our website and to understand how users of our website navigate through it. Dynatrace records W3C response times, button clicks, link clicks, JavaScript errors, browser type and geographic region. This data helps us to continuously improve the performance of our website and to detect and solve functional problems. For this to work correctly and effectively, Dynatrace requires cookies.  
    By enabling your browser's do-not-track feature, you can ensure that no personally identifiable information is collected. 

    Further information is available at



    This website uses the online advertising program Outbrain Conversion Tracking. The cookie for conversion tracking is placed when a user clicks on an ad in the Outbrain network. These cookies do not serve the purpose of personal identification. If the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Outbrain can see that the user clicked on the ad and was taken to this page. Further information about the data protection and cookies of Outbrain Inc., 39 West 13th Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10011, can be found here:

    You can find opt-out information at “Outbrain user types (including deactivation / opt-out)”:



    This website uses the online advertising program Taboola Conversion Tracking. The cookie for conversion tracking is placed when a user clicks on an ad in the Taboola network. These cookies do not serve the purpose of personal identification. If the user visits certain pages of this website and the cookie has not yet expired, we and Taboola can see that the user clicked on the ad and was taken to this page. Further information about the data protection and cookies of Taboola Inc., 28 West 23rd St., 5th fl., New York, NY 10010, can be found here:

    You can find opt-out information at “Site Visitor Choices”:



    We use Personyze in order to better understand our users’ needs and to optimize our service and customer experience. Personyze is a technology service that helps us better understand our users’ experience (e.g. how much time they spend on which pages, which links they choose to click, what users do and don’t like, etc.), and this enables us to build and maintain our service with user feedback.

    Personyze uses cookies and other technologies to collect data on our users’ behavior and their devices (in particular, devices’ IP addresses, captured and stored only in anonymized form), device screen size, device type (unique device identifiers), browser information, geographic location (country only), and preferred language used to display our website. The information we collect from cookies is only used in conjunction with your use of our services and is not shared by us with any third party. You can read more on opt-out of personalization here:


    LinkedIn Analytics and LinkedIn Ads

    Our Event websites use the conversion tracking technology and the retargeting function of LinkedIn Corporation (LinkedIn Ireland, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland). With the help of this technology, visitors to this website can be shown personalized advertisements on LinkedIn. Furthermore, the possibility arises to create anonymous reports on the performance of the advertisements as well as information on website interaction. For this purpose, the LinkedIn Insight tag is embedded on this website, which establishes a connection to the LinkedIn server if you visit this website and are logged into your LinkedIn account at the same time.

    This informs LinkedIn that you have visited our website, whereby your IP address is also collected. In addition, timestamps and events such as page views are stored. In this way, we learn about which LinkedIn ad or interaction on LinkedIn you came to our website. This allows us to better control the playout of our advertising.

    LinkedIn Conversion Tracking logs when you take an action on our website. 

    Such actions include adding an item to the cart, a registration, a search, a lead, a contact, a purchase transaction, and a purchase completion.

    Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with LinkedIn's server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by LinkedIn through the use of Insight Tag. 

    Insofar as you have given your consent for the collection of data, this is done on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter a EU-GDPR for marketing and optimization purposes.

    You can find additional information about data collection and data use, as well as privacy protection possibilities and rights, at the LinkedIn data protection policy at

    If you are logged in to LinkedIn, you can always deactivate data collection at the following link:


    Adform Conversion-Tracking

    a) For BIOFACH and VIVANESS, FACHPACK and MedtecLIVE, we use the conversion tracking of Adform A/S, Wildersgade 10B, 1. sal. 1408 Copenhagen, Denmark (hereinafter "Adform"). The cookie is set as soon as you have contact with an advertising medium (e.g. advertising banner) placed by us via Adform and has a validity of 60 days. The cookie is used to serve ads that are relevant to users, to improve campaign performance reports, or to prevent a user from seeing the same ads more than once. Using a cookie ID, Adform records which ads are served in which browser and can thus prevent them from being displayed more than once. In addition, Adform can use cookie IDs to record so-called conversions that are related to ad requests. This is the case, for example, when a user sees an Adform ad and later uses the same browser to visit the advertiser's website and make a purchase. Adform cookies do not contain any personal information such as email addresses, names or addresses.

    b) We do not merge the advertising ID with personal data. We use conversion tracking to track the success of the advertising measures we use. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter f EU-GDPR.

    c) You can prevent participation in this tracking procedure in various ways:

    • by an appropriate setting of your browser software, in particular the suppression of third-party cookies will result in you not receiving ads from third-party providers;
    • by deactivating Adform's cookies via your browser at;
    • by means of the appropriate cookie setting.

    d) For more information about Adform, please visit and about data protection at Adform A/S Denmark in general:


    Webfonts from

    This website uses so-called web fonts provided by Monotype GmbH ( or to display fonts. When you call up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into its browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly.

    For this purpose, the browser you are using must connect to the servers of This enables to know that our website has been accessed via your IP address. The use of Web Fonts is in the interest of a uniform and appealing presentation of our online offers. This represents a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter f EU-GDPR. If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font will be used by your computer.

    You can find more information about these web fonts at in the privacy policy of and in the privacy policy of Monotype GmbH:


    Topple Ad Network Inc.

    For IWA OutdoorClassics we use the services of Topple Ad Network Inc (“Topple”) to display advertisements. Topple uses technologies such as cookies and web beacons to collect information about your use of our website and to show you personalized advertising. This information may include, but is not limited to, your IP address, browser type, pages visited and the time you spend on our website.

    The data collected by Topple is processed in accordance with their privacy policy. Further information on data processing by Topple can be found in Topple's privacy policy at

    You can disagree with Topple's use of your data at any time by making the appropriate settings in your browser or by using the opt-out options on Topple's website at and at our website




    22. Social media plug-ins of social networks

    We currently use the following social media plug-ins: Facebook, Google+, X, Xing, LinkedIn, Instagram. We use what is known as a “two-click” solution for this purpose. This means that when you visit our website, normally no personal data is transferred to the plug-in provider at first. You can recognise the plug-in provider from the highlighting in the box above its initial letters or its logo. We give you the option of communicating directly with the plug-in provider by clicking on this button. Only when you click on the highlighted field and thus activate it will the plug-in provider receive the information that you have visited the associated page of our website. In the case of Facebook and Xing, the IP address is anonymised immediately after collection, according to information from the providers in Germany. When you activate the plug-in, your personal data is transmitted to the plug-in provider and stored there (with U.S. providers, in the United States). Because the plug-in provider particularly uses cookies to collect data, we recommend using your browser’s security settings to delete all cookies before you click on the greyed-out box. 
    We have no influence over what data are collected or how the data are processed, and we also do not know the full extent of data collection, the purposes of processing or the storage periods. We also have no information about the erasure of collected data by the plug-in provider. 
    The plug-in provider stores the data collected about you in the form of usage profiles and uses them for purposes of advertising, market research and/or designing its websites to meet user needs. Such an analysis is particularly performed (even for users who are not logged in) to present relevant advertisements and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website. You have the right to object to the formation of these user profiles, but to exercise that right, you must contact each plug-in provider. With these plug-ins, we give you the opportunity to interact with the social networks and other users so that we can improve our own site and make it more interesting for you as the user.

    The basis for the processing of your personal data is your consent, the legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 letter a EU-GDPR.

    The plug-in provider processes and stores your data in the USA. They are obliged by corresponding contractual regulations to comply with the data protection standards and the data protection level of the EU. Data processing or storage in third countries can also take place on the basis of your consent (Art. 49 para. 1 s. 1 letter a EU-GDPR), in which case you will be informed of this separately when obtaining your consent.

    You can revoke your consent at any time for the future.

    You can manage your revocation via the cookie icon placed on the bottom left of each of our web pages. Here you can also find more information about the use of cookies.

    Data are transferred regardless of whether you have an account with the plug-in provider and are logged in to it. When you are logged in to the plug-in provider, your data that we have collected are directly associated with your account with the plug-in provider. If you activate the button and follow the link to the page (for example), the plug-in provider will also store this information in your user account and publicly share it with your contacts. We recommend that you should always log out after using a social network, and especially before activating the button, because in this way you can keep information from being associated with your profile with the plug-in provider. 
    You can find out more about why and how the plug-in providers collect and process data in those providers’ data privacy policies, which are listed below. There you will also find additional information about your rights and setting options to protect your privacy. 

    Addresses of plug-in providers and URLs with their privacy policies:

    Facebook Inc   
    Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA;
    Additional information about data collection: and

    Google Inc. 
    Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountainview, California 94043, USA;
    Google complies with the EU-US Privacy Shield,

    X Corp., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA;

    Xing AG 
    Xing AG, Gänsemarkt 43, 20354 Hamburg, DE; 

    LinkedIn Corporation 
    LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA; 

    Instagram, LLC Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA;


    Other plug-ins:


    Our website includes links to videos from the external video platform YouTube. The associated plugins are operated by YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. By default, only inactivated images from the YouTube channel are embedded and do not provide an automatic connection to YouTube’s servers. Consequently that operator receives no user data when you view these Web pages. 
    You can decide for yourself whether YouTube videos should be activated. Your consent for the necessary data to be transferred to the operator (including the Internet address of the current page and the user’s IP address) will only be given when you approve for the video to play by clicking “Play.”  
    To store the setting that a user wishes, we set a cookie that contains these parameters. When we set these cookies, we do not store any personal data – the cookies contain only anonymized data to adjust the browser. Then the videos will be active and you can play them. If you want to inactivate automatic loading for YouTube videos, you can change your Web browser’s settings to reject cookies or limit their acceptance. 
    You can find out more about data protection on YouTube in YouTube’s data privacy policy at


    To display social media content on our websites, we also use a plug-in from the provider The provider is "Die Socialisten" Social Software Development GmbH, Andreasgasse 6, Top 1, 1070 Vienna, Austria. When you visit a subpage with social media content displayed by, a connection to servers is established. 

    You also have the option to share content displayed via using the services of the respective social media providers after clicking on them. For this, the information in the section "Recommend page" function applies accordingly. The integration of social media content via is based on Art. 6 para. 1 letter f EU-GDPR for the appealing presentation of our online offers.

    You can find more information on data processing by at


    23. About data protection on Facebook

    NürnbergMesse GmbH maintains a Facebook page. To the extent that we have control over how your data are processed, we make sure the applicable data protection regulations are obeyed. 
    Below, you can find the most important information about data protection law as it applies to our company websites. 
    Name and address of data controller for business  
    In addition to NürnbergMesse GmbH, the following is a data controller for the company’s Web pages under the terms of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) and other provisions of data privacy law: 
    (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) 
    However, if you use the Facebook platform and its functions, you do so at your own risk. This especially applies to using interactive functions (e.g., Comment, Share, Like). 

    Purpose and legal basis  

    We ourselves maintain the fan pages to communicate with those pages’ visitors and to keep them informed about our latest developments.  

    We also gather data for statistical purposes, so that we can refine and optimise content and make our services more attractive. The social networks process the necessary data for this purpose (e.g., total number of page visits, page activities and data provided by visitors, interactions) and make them available. We have no influence over how these data are generated or presented.  

    Your personal data will also be processed for market research and advertising purposes by the Facebook providers, and by NürnbergMesse GmbH as well. It may thus happen that user profiles may be developed from your usage and the interests that usage indicates. These profiles may be used for such purposes as displaying ads that presumably match your interests, both on and off the platforms. As a rule, cookies are stored on your computer for such purposes. Irrespective of those cookies, your user profiles may also store data that are not gathered directly on your devices. Such data may also be stored and analysed across multiple devices, especially – though not only – if you are a registered member and have logged into the platform. 

    Other than the above, we do not gather or process any personal data.  

    NürnbergMesse GmbH will process your personal data on the basis of our legitimate interest in effectively providing information and communication under Art. 6 para. 1 letter f of the EU-GDPR.  
    If your consent is requested for data processing – in other words, if you indicate your consent by confirming on a button or the like (“opt in”) – your data will be processed on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 letter a and Art. 7 of the EU-GDPR. 

    Your rights / Right to object 

    If you are a Facebook member and do not want the network to gather data about you by way of our page and to link those data with the member data the network has stored for you, you must: 

    • log out of the network before visiting our fan page, 
    • delete the cookies on your device, and  
    • close and restart your browser. 

    However, once you log in again, the network will again be able to recognise you as a particular user. 
    For a detailed discussion of the various ways in which your data are processed and how you can object to that processing (“opt out”), please see the information in the following links: 

    Overall, you have the following rights concerning how your personal data are processed: a right of access; a right to rectification; a right to erasure; a right to restrict processing; a right to object to processing; a right to data portability; a right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority about unlawful processing of your personal data.  However, as NürnbergMesse GmbH does not have full access to your personal data, you should assert your rights directly to the provider of the social media. These providers have access to their users’ personal data, and they are the ones who can take the appropriate measures and provide information.  
    Nevertheless, we will of course be happy to assist you if you need help. Please contact To our contact form


    Further information

    Notes on copyright 
    If you wish to publish pictures, text, maps, videos, music, etc. on our site, you should be aware that you may thereby assign all rights of use to the network. This may ultimately have legal consequences for you if you yourself are not the author of the materials or do not hold the rights to them. 


    24. Links to other companies

    Our website contains clearly recognisable links to the websites of other companies. When we link to the websites of other companies, we have no influence over their content, and therefore can also assume no responsibility or liability for that content. Each provider or website operator is responsible for the content of their own websites. 
    The linked pages were checked for potential legal violations and recognisable infringements at the time when the links were placed. No unlawful content was recognisable at the time when the links were placed. However, we cannot be reasonably expected to permanently monitor the content of linked websites unless there are concrete indications of a legal violation. If we discover a legal violation, the associated links are removed immediately.


    25. Video Conferencing

    Microsoft Teams (Art. 6 para. 1 letter b EU-GDPR)

    We use the video conferencing tool Microsoft Teams to communicate with our customers, business partners or exhibitors. We use this tool to conduct video conferences, telephone conferences or online meetings. Microsoft Teams is a service provided by Microsoft Corporation (One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA).
    Microsoft Teams can be used either via your web browser or, alternatively, via the MicrosoftTeams app installed on your end device.

    When using Microsoft Teams, different types of data are processed. Which data is processed also depends on the information you provide.

    When using Microsoft Teams, your user data stored with Microsoft Teams (e.g. name, mail address, profile picture, language, etc.) will be processed. Furthermore, connection data (e.g. IP address) and metadata (e.g. meeting ID, phone numbers, dates, etc.) are collected. Finally, image and sound data from you will be processed. For this purpose, Microsoft Teams obtains access to the camera and microphone of your end device for the duration of the transmission, if you allow this. You can interrupt the image and sound transmission at any time. In addition, it is possible to make text entries (chat) and to transfer files together with their content (in the case of file exchange).

    A logging of the chat process does not take place. Likewise, no video or audio recording is made and is prohibited. If, in exceptional cases, a recording is to be made, the express consent of all persons concerned will be obtained in advance.

    The processing of data is carried out for the purpose of conducting video conferences and serves to carry out pre-contractual measures or contract performance, Art. 6 para. 1 letter b EU-GDPR.

    The data will only be stored for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose and no legal retention obligations prevent deletion. Please note that the data may have to be stored for verification purposes based on legal retention obligations. In this case, the data will be deleted at the latest after expiry of the respective retention obligation.

    The processing of personal data takes place exclusively within the EU/EEA. Only in certain exceptional cases (e.g. creation of a support ticket), it cannot be excluded that personal data is also processed outside the EU/EEA. Microsoft is obligated by corresponding contractual regulations to comply with EU data protection standards and to guarantee the European level of data protection. The necessary contractual framework for data processing by Microsoft Teams has been concluded.

    Further information on data processing by Microsoft Teams can be found at

    Last update: 08/2024