10+ million DDoS attacks hit the world in 2020 - it is not a question if, but when you will be attacked!
For more than 20 years, NETSCOUT has been the leader in DDoS attack research, protection products, and services, backed by unmatched global threat intelligence and industry's most comprehensive suite of DDoS attack protection products and services.
With more than 400 worldwide network operators contributing to Arbor ATLAS, no one has more visibility into global DDoS attack activity. In other words, we see things others can’t.
Arbor’s approach is to offer the Best-in-class multi-layered DDoS Protection solution to stop modern day attacks. Arbor automated DDoS Attack protection solution ensures a comprehensive layered approach combining On-Premise & Cloud Protection.
“Arbor Edge Defense” offers a stateless On-Premise Threat Protection which combines unique Inbound- and Outbound protection, and also protects against stealthy application-layer attacks against existing stateful infrastructure devices, such as Firewalls, IPS, WAF, VPN Concentrators and ADCs.
Multi-layer Defense - Only a tightly integrated defense can adequately protect you from the full spectrum of DDoS attacks.
Arbor Edge Defense (AED) systems provide complete, unique protection that instantly detects and defends against both inbound DDoS attacks and Indicators Of Compromise (IOCs), as well as outbound protection against cyber threats.
Arbor Cloud ist ein netzwerkunabhängiger Cloud-DDoS Protection Service der an 14 Rechenzentren mit einer Scrubbing-Kapazität (Clean-Traffic) von derzeit 12 TBit/s betrieben wird