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Header of Devolutions
Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum B

Managing passwords is obsolete, manage privilege instead!

See how Privileged Access Management fits in the Identity and Access Management space and how drastically it can elevate your security.

calendar_today Thu, 12.10.2023, 09:45 - 10:00

event_available Hybrid

place Hall 6, Booth 6-235

Action Video


Action description





Identity and access management

Key Facts

  • PAM is a cornerstone of Identity and Access Management
  • Manage Privileged Actions, not accounts!
  • Improve productivity while upholding Cybersecurity



This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo

Action Video

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This video is available to the it-sa 365 community. 
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Action description

Privileged access management is an essential technology for ensuring that your company's digital assets are well protected. However, many small and medium-sized businesses are still not using this technology to their advantage. In this presentation, we'll explore the shortcomings of current password management systems, and discuss the risks of managing privileged access without the right tools. We'll also look at PAM best practices and identify what makes a good PAM tool. Finally, we'll explain in detail the operational role of PAM and give some concrete examples.


The International Forum is also available as a livestream. Follow this link to access the broadcast.

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Language: English

Questions and Answers: No


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