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Forums it-sa Expo 2023 Knowledge Forum E

Digital sovereignty in the changing times

In our panel talk, we will discuss how we can strengthen digital sovereignty in a targeted manner and lay the foundation for sovereign digitalisation as a German manufacturer of network solutions.
Participants Panel:
- Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs, Dr Christian Pfrang, (Head of Department A4 - Cloud, Platforms and Data Management).
- AI start-up Aleph Alpha, Daniel Sohn, lawyer
- Uwe Greunke, Management, CMO, LANCOM Systems
- Marian Rachow, Management, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecurity

calendar_today Tue, 10.10.2023, 16:30 - 17:00

event_available On site

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This action is part of the event Forums it-sa Expo 2023

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According to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BMWK), digital sovereignty is "an issue of great relevance". Supply bottlenecks of computer chips have shown how quickly dependencies on non-European producers can slow down important economic sectors such as the car industry. The importance of digital sovereignty has thus reached companies.

Particularly in the areas of hardware and IT infrastructure, software and applications, as well as IT security, it is evident that the majority of companies take aspects of digital sovereignty into account when selecting components and applications. However, about one third of the companies are still heavily dependent on non-European providers.

Our goal is to understand the implementation of Digital Sovereignty as a strategic, societal task in order to retain and expand know-how in key technologies in Europe.

Digital sovereignty, greater cybersecurity and state resilience are not only relevant for the Digital Plan Bavaria, but are also guiding principles for society and the economy. These make an important contribution to maintaining our competitiveness and to securing peace, freedom and democracy in the long term.

An important focus in the area of security in the future will be the topic of AI: how can this technology of the future strengthen value creation in Europe in accordance with data protection? AI can not only be used for analysis, but can also take concrete measures in the event of anomalies and threats in order to avert dangers.


LANCOM has been tackling this major task for decades: strengthening European technological competence for sophisticated IT network technology. To this end, we have for years been creating a secure solution consisting of software, hardware and (cloud-based) services for the digital (business) transformation.

As a pioneer of highly secure encryption technologies, Rohde & Schwarz Cybersecrity also delivers zero-trust-based endpoint security. These trustworthy security solutions support our customers on their way to a secure and digitalised world and thus make a significant contribution to digital sovereignty.

... read more

Language: German

Questions and Answers: No


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