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Bundesnachrichtendienst of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background
Association / Authority / Other organisation

Hall 6 - Booth Number 6-227


We are the Foreign Intelligence Service of Germany.

About us


Floor plan






We offer

  • Threat analysis
  • Penetration tests
  • Counter-intelligence
  • Authorities / associations


  • E-government
  • Critical Infrastractures
Chausseestraße 96
10115 Berlin

About us

The Bundesnachrichtendienst is the foreign intelligence service of the Federal Republic of Germany, compiling political, economic and military foreign intelligence. As a higher federal authority, we are tasked by the Federal Government.

Our work includes collecting information beyond publicly available facts and opinions. This enables us to look behind the scenes, shed light on the background and provide an objective view - always for Germany’s security and within the legal framework. Often, we work in secrecy and in the background; rarely do our successes become evident and perceptible.

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Floor plan

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Analysis | Critical Infrastructures (KRITIS) | Cyber Defense | Intelligence Service | Signals Intelligence | Cyber Security


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