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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-126

Red Teaming


Endpoint security Physical IT-security Network security

Key Facts

  • Penetration Test vs Red Teaming
  • Black-Box Approach / Mission Possible
  • Lessons learned help to raise defenses

Product Description

Red Teaming is the holistic, multistage simulation of an attack on your organization. The Red Team gauges the reaction of your company‘s Blue Team against real attacks. It also assesses their effective monitoring and detection capabilities. Red Team assessments often take place over months, to allow for a covert approach. Ability to Assess Defenses The Red Team gauges the effectiveness of the entire organization (people, technology, processes, and physical elements) in defending the IT infrastructure. A Red Team assessment will answer the question of whether the interaction between cybersecurity measures, crisis concept, security monitoring, detection mechanisms, and superseding incident handling processes, or related root cause analysis is working smoothly. Black Box Approach To simulate such an attack, the Red Team will receive only minimal information about the target and must work its way from the outside into the core of your company‘s most sensitive infrastructure and data collections. Mission Possible To challenge the Blue Team and your company‘s cyberdefenses skills, the Red Team‘s work is based on initialy defined missions that are specifically tailored to your company. As the client, you decide which targets - such as corporate data, personal identifiable information, communication means or operational processes - should be attacked. Goal: Improving Defense Debriefing workshops are conducted at the end of the exercise. They aim at providing the Blue Team with detailed tactics, techniquess or procedures which were conducted during the simulated attacks and help to enable your cybersecurity team to identify and act upon identified blind spots. Ultimately, Red Teaming improves your organization‘s overall security level and resilience over the long term.
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