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DextraData GmbH of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 7A - Booth Number 7A-524

DextraData GmbH

IT know-how, business applications and security for digital transformation.

About us


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We offer

  • IT service management
  • Penetration tests
  • Risk analysis and management
  • Business continuity
  • Data protection, data security
  • Data deletion
  • Consulting IT security
  • ISMS (ISO-IEC 2700x / BS 7799)
  • BSI IT baseline protection
  • Managed security services
  • Planning of data centers and IT infrastructures
  • License management


  • Critical Infrastractures
Girardetstraße 4
45131 Essen

About us

Since 1995, DextraData has been supporting companies in the planning and realisation of IT projects up to responsibility for regular operations. Extensive technological know-how, comprehensive consulting experience and expert knowledge in the areas of data centre and process automation make DextraData a sought-after partner for companies facing the current challenges of digital transformation. We don't digitize for the sake of digitization - our solutions help to act in the interests of the company, the people who work there and their safety. As an Independent Software Vendor, DextraData develops innovative industry solutions that create transparency, optimize processes, provide security and deliver decision support and added value for people and the business. We have also been advising companies on IT security for over 25 years. Through new partnerships, services and the Integrated Risk Solution GRASP (Governance, Risk, Audit Security Platform) we offer answers to the cybersecurity threats of our time. With GRASP we support our clients to establish and improve Information Security (ISM), Data Protection (DSM) & Business Continuity (BCM) in their organization. GRASP can be used to operate individual, subject-specific management systems - such as an Information Security Management System in accordance with ISO 27001.
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