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Make an appointment with

So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

Create an onsite appointment with

So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.


Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-409





Application security

Key Facts

  • Smart multi-factor authentication (also without PKI)
  • Minimal administrative effort required
  • Different tokens are supported

Product Description

SmartLogon is a multi-factor authentication solution for SMBs, industry, government and government agencies, healthcare facilities and many more. User login is implemented with two factors: Something you know (PIN) and something you have (security token). Installation as well as central rollout to multiple workstations is done in minutes. Integrated session monitoring ensures that device access is blocked as soon as the Security Token is no longer connected (e.g. because the employee has moved away from the device). Suitable tokens are smartcards, USB or Bluetooth tokens, transponders and smartphones. Often, existing hardware - such as access cards for locking systems or transponders for the cafeteria - can also be used for multi-factor authentication. We are happy to check existing tokens for compatibility in order to avoid new purchases.
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