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Hall 7 / Booth Number 7-141

Qbilon Ultimate


License management Compliance / GRC (products and services) IT service management Cloud (computing) security Asset management / IT documentation

Key Facts

  • In-depth analysis: Detailed dependency analysis and powerful graph views that provide a meaningful overview of the IT landscape
  • Automated updating: Reduction of manual effort in creating and maintaining IT documentation as well as its analysis enables focus on core topics such as transformation and innovation
  • Cost and risk management: saving IT costs by identifying unnecessary cost drivers, helping to optimize the use of cloud assets, automating governance tasks

Product Description

Qbilon Ultimate is a software for the automated creation of IT architecture models and their analysis. Using architecture mining, Qbilon creates a comprehensive model of your IT landscape that serves as an always up-to-date knowledge base. With powerful and highly flexible reporting mechanisms such as tables, charts, and graph views, analyzing and optimizing your IT landscape becomes effortless. Qbilon Ultimate offers automated data updates, best practice reports, custom dashboards, powerful graph views, detailed dependency analysis, and adaptive data analysis. The software supports numerous use cases such as architecture management, cloud cost management, continuous reporting, IT governance, and security management. Qbilon Ultimate significantly reduces manual effort in the enterprise, ensures full transparency of the IT landscape, helps to control risks, reduces costs, increases IT reliability, and thus supports digital transformation.

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