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Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-210

Proofpoint Insider Threat Management

Key Facts

  • Gain visibility and detect risky user behavior and file movement
  • Accelerate incident investigations and insider threat research
  • Easy to deploy and manage

Product Description

30% of data breaches are insider-driven – and the cost of these incidents has doubled in the last three years. ObserveIT empowers security teams to reduce insider threat risk and frequency, accelerate incident response and increase efficiency of their security operations.As the leading people-centric Insider Threat Management (ITM) solution, Proofpoint’s ObserveIT ITM protects against data loss and brand damage involving insiders acting maliciously, negligently, or unknowingly. ObserveIT correlates activity and data movement, empowering security teams to identify user risk, detect insider-led data breaches, and accelerate security incident response.Proofpoint Insider Threat Management (formerly ObserveIT) provides a people-centric approach to protecting organizations from insiderthreats. We protect you from insider-led data breaches by:Identifying user riskDetecting data lossAccelerating incident responseWhen insider threats occur, IT and security teams must react quickly. Timely investigation and the right response can make all the difference. But piecing together context from disparate logs around suspicious users and data activity can be time-intensive andsometimes impossible. ITM can help. We use four key elements to help you more easily identify and stop risky insider behavior: 1. Visibility and context 2. Insider threat detection 3. Incident response workflows 4. An architecture that it scalable, secure and flexible
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