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qSkills GmbH & Co. KG of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background
Education, Training

Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-246

qSkills GmbH & Co. KG

qSkills - Your qualification expert for IT and information security

About us


Floor plan








We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Network security
  • Compliance / GRC (products and services)
  • Awareness
  • BSI IT baseline protection
  • Education / training / qualification
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Open source (software and services)


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
  • E-Commerce
  • Data center operation

About us

Security know-how for IT experts and managers

Protecting data and information in the cloud and your own IT infrastructure is now the number one priority for businesses and organisations. Massively increased cyber security threats and increasingly complex regulatory security requirements demand a wide range of skills.

We have made it our mission to promote a culture of security by providing our customers with the right skills. qSkills is one of the leading qualification experts in the DACH region. As knowledge brokers, we support companies in defining competence requirements and advise on training paths, roles and profiles.

In the IT security sector, our expertise lies in:

  • Cyber Security
  • Cloud Security
  • AI Security
  • Industrial Security
  • Governance, Risk, Compliance
  • BSI Cyber Security Network
  • International certifications

qSkills offers both broad basics for generalists and expert knowledge with certificate qualifications for specialists. Investing in the skills of your employees is crucial for the continuous successful transformation of your company, and in times of skills shortages, the sharpest sword of your HR.

qSkills offers various formats for teaching and training skills; together with and for our customers, we develop innovative approaches. The heart of our IT training is our modern data centre, which is available to our participants hands-on.

Numerous DAX-listed companies, medium-sized businesses and public institutions have relied on the exceptional quality of qSkills for over two decades. Our headquarters and training centre are located in Nuremberg.

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Upskilling | Training | Specialisation | Qualification | Coaching | Certification


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