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Hall 7A / Booth Number 7A-409

IT-Grundschutz Consulting


BSI IT baseline protection

Product Description

We implement and optimize information security processes according to the customer’s individual needs. In many cases we accompany our customers on their way to a successful certification. In complex information associations with several organizational units, secuvera staff has designed fundamental implementation details and realized continuous security management support. True to our firm’s motto “IT security – certifiable, feasible, usable”, it is especially important to us to inspire our customers’ participating staff and to provide pragmatic solutions. Without a sound basis, security processes cannot be implemented effectively. In addition, we perform standard compliant audits. In order to comprehensively cover the field of IT-Grundschutz (BSI IT Baseline Protection) with our own resources, secuvera’s staff includes several certified ISO 27001 auditors on the basis of IT-Grundschutz. All auditors are authorized to analyse applications and the implementation of the IT-Grundschutz methodology according to the current auditing procedure and BSI standards. The auditors are also certified as IS revisors by the BSI. In addition, Mr Lorenz is a lead auditor for the ISO 27001 standard. Depending on the customer’s requirements, we combine method elements of security concepts or risk analyses, respectively, for individual approaches. secuvera is certified as an IT service provider for IS revision and IS consulting by the BSI.
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