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Make an appointment with

So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

Create an onsite appointment with

So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.


Hall 9 / Booth Number 9-405

Snyk Code (SAST)

Product Expert



Application security

Key Facts

  • Developer friendly: Prevent code delays with fix advice backed by industry-leading security intelligence.
  • Fast and accurate: Get results in real time with automatic scanning from your IDE in-line with your code.
  • Actionable results: Find vulnerabilities and quickly fix them with dev-friendly remediation advice.

Product Description

Developer-focused, real-time SAST. Secure your code as it’s written with static application security testing built by, and for, developers. Snyk Code’s unrivaled speed and accuracy increase code security, while our intuitive platform empowers and motivates developers. Leading to efficient teams and secure products.

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Product Expert


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