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PS-45u-DP microSD card ‘Raspberry Edition’



Key Facts

  • Easy-to-integrate CPU independent hardware security
  • Cost effective data protection and encryption
  • Easy-to-retrofi t and future proof security solution

Product Description

Swissbit has a solution for the encryption and access protection of data on a Raspberry Pi to secure the boot image and the boot process. Swissbit Secure Boot Solution for Raspberry Pi consists of a PS-45u-DP microSD card ‘Raspberry Edition’ and a software development kit. This ensures protection of the Raspberry Pi bootloader, to encrypt boot and application code (for the protection of licenses), proprietary know-how and intellectual property or to provide write-protection. The Raspberry Pi’s low-cost and widely used hardware can contain valuable and protectable data and functions. Swissbit offers an easy-to-implement security system based on a long-lasting flash memory suitable for industrial applications. This way, hardware-based security functions can be implemented independently of the CPU and with high flexibility – even retrospectively. The PS-45u-DP microSD card ‘Raspberry Edition’ encrypts the data and allows access only via a flexible configurable authentication function, which unlocks further access to the data carrier in the pre-boot phase. The number of permitted invalid access attempts can be configured. Users can implement security policies in three different ways: via PIN input, via the USB authentication dongle Swissbit USB-Stick PU-50n DP ‘Raspberry Edition’, or via a Net Policy Server. In addition, the microSD card can be coupled to the CPU and hence to the specific hardware (pairing). With its encryption and security functions, the flexible Swissbit solution protects against unauthorized data access, code manipulation and IP violations in applications, and ensures the system integrity of Raspberry Pi devices.

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