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itsa 365: Person working on laptop, danger signs hovering above IT security plays a particularly important role in the home office
  • Technical contribution
  • Cloud and Mobile Security

Remote access security: These dangers pose threats in home office

ECOS names 5 security risks in remote access and shows how to minimize them.


With the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK, ECOS Technology offers a solution that combines various security measures for use in home office while achieving a high level of protection. A complete separation between business and private use of the respective computer is warranted at the same time. The ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK product family also offers solutions approved for the classification level VS-NfD according to BSI confidentiality criteria.
itsa 365: Produktabbildung Ecos Secure Boot Stick Highly secure & affordable: The ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK® [SX] 

About ECOS Technology

ECOS Technology GmbH specializes in the development and distribution of IT solutions for highly secure remote access and the administration of certificates and smart cards. The core products include the ECOS SECURE BOOT STICK and the PKI appliance ECOS TRUST MANAGEMENT APPLIANCE. Companies are thus able to create, renew or revoke their own certificates, to connect employees working from home, to provide quickly usable and cost-efficient emergency workstations or to maintain industrial plants remotely and securely. Additionally, the cost-optimized thin client solutions from ECOS significantly reduce hardware costs in many scenarios. ECOS specializes in IT security for network infrastructures since 1999. The German company is headquartered in Oppenheim near Mainz.

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