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Forums it-sa Expo Knowledge Forum D

Certificate Lifecycle Management and Electronic Signature

Complete solutions in the field of automated certificate lifecycle management and electronic signature in the business area.

calendar_today Tue, 25.10.2022, 10:15 - 10:30

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Legislation, standards, regulations Governance, Riskmanagement and Compliance Identity and access management Industry 4.0 / IoT / Edge Computing Managed Security Services / Hosting


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A comprehensive certificate lifecycle management is more and more an indispensable part of every modern company. The Enterprise PKI forms with the keyon true-Xtender extensions from Swiss IT Security AG a comprehensive solution for the rule-based issuance, monitoring, management and automation of X.509 certificates and thus ensures a smooth operation of one or more PKIs in companies.

keyon true-Xtender enables the seamless integration of certificate management into the company's internal processes and offers a browser-based GUI as well as a web service interface for automated processes.

The ACME service provides the ACME protocol as a standardised interface for the automated management of certificates. Through a high degree of automation, not only costs can be saved, but also employees of the IT departments can be relieved accordingly.

keyon true-Xtender combines the Microsoft Autoenrollment function with a public PKI service. This offers the possibility to issue and manage certificates in the usual automated way without having to operate a Microsoft CA, i.e. Managed PKI. Any public CA that offers a web service interface can be integrated.

A comprehensive audit log stores every activity of the applicants and the administrators. The authorisations for the individual functions are controlled via Active Directory groups. Extensive evaluations and reports can be created. The RA supports different workflows that can be defined for each certificate type.

With keyon true-Xtender, there is full transparency about the status and whereabouts of certificates at all times, thus enabling central management of all certificates. Highly granular role concepts and assignment of rights ensure flexible implementation of compliance guidelines in the company.

keyon true-Sign

Electronic signatures enable the signing of electronic documents in a digitalised business process without media breaks.

kleyon true-Sign is a comprehensive signature solution with which documents, code and macros can be signed electronically via central workflows or on Windows systems. It supports single or multiple signatures (e.g. dual control principle) using company certificates, public certificates or legally regulated certificates, i.e. from simple to qualified signatures according to Swiss (ZertES, GeBüv) and EU legislation (eIDAS).

Malicious code and office macros are the primary triggers of cyber security attacks. Accordingly, the protection of executable code and office macros is an essential part of an efficient cyber security strategy. With our solution, all common executable code files and office macros can be electronically signed, so that their authenticity and immutability can be verified before they are executed. A company's workstations can be configured to only allow the execution of signed code and / or office macros. This provides efficient protection against related cyber-security attacks.

When storing and archiving data, the integrity and the time of storage of the data must be ensured in the long term. On the basis of electronic signatures, the aforementioned requirements can be applied to large amounts of data. This enables the secure and legally valid storage of large amounts of data on cost-effective storage devices and allows the implementation of simple backup, restore and deletion processes.

Martin Brunner presents two interesting in-house developments that have already successfully established themselves on the market.
... read more

Language: German

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