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Hall 6 / Booth Number 6-311

Threat Intelligence

Key Facts

  • Geopolitical threat landscape at a glance
  • Experienced Analysts
  • Basis for decision-making

Product Description

As attackers improve their capabilities, security experts must rethink their strategy Company IT landscapes are exposed to threats and attacks that are becoming more and more frequent and complex. Often we only find out about an attack after it has happened. We can help you to sustainably protect yourself by correctly answering the “why” question. Our collective expertise is what defines us The ability of our team to provide you with a thorough analysis allows us to recognise current and emerging threats and risks in time. In addition to systematically collecting information from open, commercial, and closed sources and conducting manual research, we also use our own sensors. We are constantly enrich-ing these discoveries with further findings: From discussions with our community, security authorities, CERTs, and interest groups. IoC Feeds – personalised and high quality Our Threat Intelligence Engine (TIE) aggregates, normalises, and contextualises indicators of compromise (IoC) from sources we select and makes these indicators available to you via a modern API. Regardless of whether you rely on a web proxy, a SIEM, a network analysis system, or an analyst, the API allows you to create custom tailored feeds. After all, threat intelligence is only really valuable and useful when it is com-piled, analysed, and evaluated by analysts, in other words, it must be put in digestible form.
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