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Kinus of the it-sa 365


Kinus offers cutting-edge Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) solutions for data security. We empower businesses, reshaping digital safety.

About us








We offer

  • APT protection
  • Backup solutions
  • Cyber-physical systems security
  • Computer emergency response team (CERT)
  • Business continuity
Tomphecke 60
41169 Mönchengladbach

About us

Kinus - Pioneering Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC)

About Us:

At Kinus, our unwavering belief in unyielding security shapes our every endeavor. Our mission is to revolutionize how businesses navigate the digital age by offering truly impenetrable cybersecurity. We're committed to shifting the cybersecurity narrative from vulnerability to empowerment.

Our Commitment:

In an ever-evolving cyber threat landscape, we dedicate ourselves to arming businesses with the tools required to safeguard their data and communication. Kinus is reshaping digital security with post-quantum encryption technology, instilling confidence that your information remains absolutely secure.

Our Vision:

We envision a future where businesses can harness technology's full potential without compromise. With Kinus, you're not just investing in a product; you're investing in a new era of cybersecurity. Join us in shaping this future and experience the peace of mind that comes from knowing your data is perfectly secure.

Our Team:

Kinus comprises passionate cybersecurity experts united by a shared goal: creating a safer digital environment for businesses of all sizes. We recognize that traditional security measures no longer suffice in the face of evolving threats. That's why we've developed innovative post-quantum encryption that guarantees impenetrable security.

Unyielding Cyber Resilience: Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) by Kinus

With Kinus' Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC), intercepted data becomes worthless to attackers, rendering their efforts futile. Safeguard your data with unwavering security, making attack success impossible. Kinus' encryption offers comprehensive protection, even in vulnerable areas like OT. Highly compatible and easily implemented, Kinus elevates your security, ensuring comprehensive protection. Trust in Kinus for secure critical data communication.

How it Works:

Kinus employs a patented security solution with two devices: one on the transmitter side and one on the receiver side. By removing the key from the equipment itself, Kinus eliminates potential vulnerabilities. Encryption occurs entirely on Kinus devices, continuously generating new keys.

One device encrypts every message bit, while the other translates it to its original form. This dynamic key exchange ensures optimal security, with the same key created on both devices simultaneously, bound to a specific moment and operational only once. This impenetrable process leaves hackers clueless about decrypting messages, securing communication between devices flawlessly.

Kinus: Unleashing Unparalleled Security

Enhance your infrastructure's protection with Kinus' cutting-edge post-quantum encryption. Safeguard your business and step into a new era of secure communication. Embrace superior security with Kinus.


Kinus is a cybersecurity company based in Germany. Our management team blends security experts, enterprise leaders, and financial partners, all driven by a shared commitment to advance ingenious security solutions and redefine collaborative safeguarding paradigms.

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secure communication | quantum | Post-Quantum Cryptography (PQC) | Encryption | data security | critical infrastructure


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