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Software New


Logo Kinus

by Kinus

Product Expert



Cryptography Endpoint security Cyber-physical systems security Content security Payment systems (PCI-DSS) Network security Application security

Product Description

Kinus Post-Quantum Encryption Solutions

Unlocking Unrivaled Security for All Industries

In an era where device communication is the backbone of manufacturing and critical operations, security is paramount. Kinus offers a tailor-made security solution designed for all companies engaging in device communication, whether via wired or wireless connections. Regrettably, such communications often remain vulnerable, relying on insecure asymmetric encryption methods.

The Kinus Advantage: Revolutionary Post-Quantum Encryption

Kinus introduces a game-changing security solution empowered by patented technology. Our system deploys two Kinus devices - one at the transmitting end and the other at the receiving end. Critically, no keys are stored on the equipment itself. Encryption occurs exclusively on Kinus devices, constantly generating fresh, unbreakable keys.

How It Works: Dynamic, Impenetrable Security

One Kinus device encrypts every bit of your message, while the other seamlessly translates it back to its original form. This dynamic key exchange process ensures unparalleled security, rendering hackers powerless and guaranteeing the absolute security of your communications.

Simplicity Meets Security: Easy Installation and Ongoing Service

Our Kinus devices are designed for effortless self-installation, minimizing disruptions to your operations. Maintenance and service are available through a flexible subscription model, allowing you to focus on your core business activities.

Empowering Your Business

Our solutions are versatile, serving as a powerful asset for your business. Whether you seek IT security as a service, technical integration for product enhancement, or a formidable addition to your sales portfolio, Kinus has the solution. Discover the benefits tailored to your sector.

Target Customers: Protecting What Matters Most

Kinus is tailored for corporations with critical infrastructure and highly valuable data across various industries:

Finance and Banking

Secure Transactions: Safeguard financial transactions, online banking, and electronic payments.Customer Privacy: Protect personal and financial data, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud.Healthcare

Patient Data Privacy: Ensure the security of electronic health records (EHRs) and sensitive patient data.Medical Device Security: Prevent unauthorized access to medical devices and communication to maintain patient safety.Government and Military

National Security: Encrypt sensitive government and military communications to safeguard classified information.Secure Communication: Protect sensitive government agency communication from eavesdropping and unauthorized access.Corporate Communication

Business Secrets: Secure intellectual property, trade secrets, and proprietary information.Employee Privacy: Protect sensitive employee data, HR records, and internal communication.Legal and Law Enforcement

Client-Attorney Privilege: Ensure the confidentiality of attorney-client communications.Secure Evidence: Utilize encrypted data as secure evidence in legal cases.Education

Student Privacy: Safeguard student records, grades, and personal information.Secure Research: Protect sensitive research data and academic collaboration.E-commerce

Payment Security: Ensure the safety of customers' credit card information during online transactions.E-commerce Platforms: Secure user accounts, order history, and purchase information on e-commerce websites.Critical Infrastructure

Industrial Control Systems: Secure communication between components of critical infrastructure, reducing the risk of cyberattacks that could disrupt essential services like power and water supply.Unleash the full potential of Post-Quantum Encryption with Kinus and safeguard what matters most to your business.

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Product Expert


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