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SecuLution GmbH   of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 7 - Booth Number 7-430

SecuLution GmbH

Application Whitelisting made simple: guaranteed, hassle-free antivirus solution w/ patent

About us


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We offer

  • Application security
  • Cyber-physical systems security
  • Counter-intelligence
  • Endpoint security
  • Network access control (NAC)
  • Consulting IT security
  • BSI IT baseline protection
  • Authorities / associations
  • Anti-virus and malware protection


  • Industrial IT security

About us

IT security must fight causes, not symptoms IT security became a problem when everyone just kept on keeping on: In 2010, new threats appeared and anti-virus solutions began to combat them. Elaborate analysis methods and mechanisms were developed to counter the threat. The founders of SecuLution realised as early as 2001 that one could not keep up with the constant stream of new threats. Time-consuming maintenance of Allowlists? Not with SecuLution! We have found a way to make application whitelisting, often criticised as a costly and time-consuming process, easy to use. Our patented solution is unique and still groundbreaking today. With a single antivirus product -- SecuLution 2.0 -- we enable companies to replace several security solutions at once. The SecuLution cloud allows for low-maintenance and convenient whitelist upkeep at any time. In combination with the transparent management of all functions, SecuLution today offers the most modern protection against any kind of malware. We guarantee this. Why is Allowlisting a superior concept? The functional concept of Whitelisting/Allowlisting fundamentally distinguishes SecuLution from other antivirus products. Without complicated procedures for analysing and blocking attackers, a whitelist for software allows you to concentrate on what counts: a smoothly functioning infrastructure without unwanted or malicious software. Satisfied customers "SecuLution 2.0 lets administrators finally sleep at night" - Ralf Plomann, IT manager of clinic group St. Rochus GmbH Our customers trust in our solution, averagely for more than 10 years. Virus scanners, on the other hand, are frequently replaced, depending on which manufacturer is ahead. We know the requirements that networks within the health care sector, local government or industry place on a security solution and are constantly advancing our solution based on this knowledge.
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