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So that you can make an appointment, the calendar will open in a new tab on the personal profile of your contact person.

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So that you can make an onsite appointment, the appointment request will open in a new tab.

Teamwire GmbH   of the it-sa 365
default Stage Background

Hall 9 - Booth Number 9-202

Teamwire GmbH

Teamwire - the secure business messaging app for mobile communication and collaboration

About us


Floor plan






We offer

  • Cloud (computing) security
  • Mobile security
  • VoIP security
  • Data protection, data security
  • Cryptography


  • E-government
  • Energy and water supply
  • Financial Sector
  • Healthcare
  • Industrial IT security
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Critical Infrastractures
Tittmoninger Straße 11
81679 München

About us

With the business messenger app of the same name, Teamwire GmbH has specialized in secure, simple and fast communication via chat and voice messaging as well as video conferences. The German company, headquartered in Munich, helps companies, authorities, blue light organizations and the healthcare sector to improve the productivity and results of the mobile collaboration. The secure business messenger offers innovative features and high usability tailored to the use cases of companies with mobile workforces. The product provides a professional administration and fulfils the highest security and data protection requirements (including full encryption and GDPR compliance). Leading companies rely on Teamwire, including the police, the Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Chemnitz Clinic, Dataport and Vodafone. 

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Floor plan


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Collaboration | Enterprise Messaging | Secure Communication | Mobile Security | Messenger


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